24 фев 2023 · 00:10    
{"document": [{"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "👌👌👌 PRESTO 👌👌👌"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "или даже 👌👌👌 HEY PRESTO 👌👌👌 такой вариант больше распространен в Великобритании"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Вуаля! "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Раз, два (и готово)! "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Готово! "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "А потом раз, и… "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Опомниться не успел, как…"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Может ещё можно перевести как «по мановению волшебной палочки». "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Универсальное слово для того, что произошло супербыстро. "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "ПРИМЕРЫ: "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "I mixed everything together, and PRESTO! The soup was ready. "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Hey presto, no tax rise - yet. (Заголовок в The Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Hey presto! The bird of liberty! (Заголовок в The Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Get together with some friends, conquer and subjugate a weaker people, ensure that your language, culture and cuisine differs from that of your now lower-class subjects who you may now treat with sustained contempt. Hey presto - instant aristocracy. (Комментарий подписчика газеты The Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Hey presto! Bradford's answer to David Blaine. (Заголовок из the Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Hey Presto! A new online round-up of the best and worst of London's fringe theatre."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Hey presto! You're getting a cathartic workout, and they're learning something valuable. Everybody wins. Apart from them, obviously. (The Guardian) "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "For extra authenticity, fray the edges and if you really want to be super-cool, cut them down to calf length. Hey presto. Jean genius. (The Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "In go a dash of Mickey Spillane, a pinch of Borges, some diced semiotics. Switch it on and hey presto! - out pours an 'interesting' book.... (The Guardian)"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Источник: Cambridge dictionary online, Merrian-Webster online dictionary, The Guardian "}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "photo-output 34.JPG", "filesize": 284568, "height": 2048, "pic_id": 442806, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2023/02/24/photo-output_34.jpeg", "width": 2048}}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "IMG_8535.jpg", "filesize": 225038, "height": 640, "pic_id": 442807, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2023/02/24/IMG_8535.jpeg", "width": 750}}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "IMG_8536.jpg", "filesize": 163937, "height": 1118, "pic_id": 442808, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2023/02/24/IMG_8536.jpeg", "width": 750}}], "attributes": []}], "selectedRange": [1503, 1503]}
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