11 сен 2022 · 18:10    
{"document": [{"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "В 2020 году в задание 3 устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку добавился ещё один, четвёртый, пункт - your attitude. При этом время на выполнение задания и на подготовку ответа не увеличилось. Здесь я привожу пример монолога по теме Learning English."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Начиная уже с 8 класса мы с ребятами тренируемся составлять монологи по заданиям ОГЭ. После разбора тематической лексики составляем монологи по предложенным пунктам плана. После проработки монолога берем вопросы из банка fipi по той же теме. После составления монолога ответы на вопросы электронного ассистента не вызывают затруднений."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Задание:"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 1, 5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences)."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Remember to say:"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "whether it is necessary to speak English nowadays, and why"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what you do to improve your English"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what other languages you would like to learn"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what your attitude to learning English is"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "English is the most popular language nowadays. Firstly, it is a universal language of communication, because people from different countries understand it. Secondly, English is the language of computer technologies. Besides, knowing English is useful for everyone who wants to make a successful career, because it is the official language of some international organizations and companies."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "I work really hard to improve my English. I try to read books in original, watch English films with subtitles, do grammar exercises. Besides, chatting with my English friends online helps me a lot."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "As for other foreign languages, I would like to learn Spanish because it is widely spoken today. Besides, Spanish culture is so fascinating."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "All in all, I I can say that everyone should be able to speak at least one foreign language nowadays, and there is no doubt that English is of the greatest importance in different spheres of life."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "That`s all I wanted to say"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "1617609333_21-p-fon-angliiskii-yazik-24.jpg", "filesize": 154812, "height": 853, "pic_id": 152088, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2022/09/11/1617609333_21-p-fon-angliiskii-yazik-24.jpeg", "width": 1200}}], "attributes": []}], "selectedRange": [1896, 1896]}
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