11 сен 2022 · 22:21    
{"document": [{"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Тема спорта и здорового образа жизни всегда была очень актуальной, поэтому заданий по этой тематике немало и в КИМах ОГЭ. Ребятам предлагается множество текстов о спорте в разделе «Чтение», в письменной части банк заданий fipi дает письма по этой теме. Планов монологических высказываний о здоровом образе жизни также предлагается несколько вариантов. Привожу здесь пример ответа по одному из них."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Итак, задание:"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "You are going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. You will have to start in 1. 5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences)."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Remember to say:"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "why doing sports is very important for modern teenagers"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what else besides sport young people do to keep fit and healthy"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what you enjoy doing in your free time"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "what your attitude to sports and healthy lifestyle is"}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "I am going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle as it is a very important topic nowadays."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "I believe that healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular today. Doing sports is a must for young people. Firstly, it helps to be fit and healthy. Secondly, it is a good way to get rid of stress. Finally, doing sports helps to become successful in life."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "To live a healthy life young people follow some important rules. Besides doing sports they pay attention to what they eat and try to choose the right food. Moreover, they understand the importance of going to bed on time and having enough rest."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "As for me, I prefer spending my free time cycling and playing active games with my friends. It helps me to be fit and energetic."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "In my opinion, doing sports and following healthy lifestyle is essential not only for teenagers, but for people of different ages because health is a source of happiness."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Ранее я публиковала статью, в которой собрала все многочисленные вопросы о спорте по заданию 2 устной части ОГЭ. С ней можно познакомиться "}, {"type": "string", "attributes": {"href": "https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5cfc227dc0dc5700afbbbe91/vse-voprosy-elektronnogo-assistenta-o-sporte-dlia-oge-po-angliiskomu-iazyku-5de39e4843fdc000b2bf9796?integration=site_desktop&place=layout"}, "string": "здесь"}, {"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "scale_1200 (1).jpg", "filesize": 138212, "height": 797, "pic_id": 152259, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2022/09/11/scale_1200_1_1EQan0l.jpeg", "width": 1200}}], "attributes": []}], "selectedRange": [1838, 1838]}
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