18 сен 2023 · 10:22    
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Всё так же технично, качественно, экспрессивно, но негласный стандарте в 40 минут добавил бы бал к оценке: 8 из 10"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "b.jpg", "filesize": 147977, "height": 560, "pic_id": 702731, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2023/09/18/b.jpeg", "width": 1199}}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Состав:"}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Sakis Bandis - Keyboards (1994-) "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Vasilios Topalides - Vocals (1999-) "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Stergios Kourou - Drums (1996-) "}], "attributes": ["bulletList", "bullet"]}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "Kostas Scandalis - 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Комментарии 0