24 сен 2023 · 20:46    
{"document": [{"text": [{"type": "attachment", "attributes": {"presentation": "gallery"}, "attachment": {"caption": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "filename": "Sartana Mariupol 2023-09-23.mp4_snapshot_00.38.552.jpg", "filesize": 222445, "height": 720, "pic_id": 709195, "url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/pabliko.files/article_cloud_image/2023/09/24/Sartana_Mariupol_2023-09-23.mp4_snapshot_00.38.552_DuZ96Ek.jpeg", "width": 1280}}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": "The settlements located near Mariupol are celebrating the days of villages. Today the celebration took place in Sartana. Musical programme, entertainment, festive trade and, of course, the traditional wrestling of the Azov Greeks - kuresh. The winners got rams."}], "attributes": []}, {"text": [{"type": "string", "attributes": {}, "string": ""}, {"type": "string", "attributes": {"href": "https://youtu.be/TS6_tZ-qdMA"}, "string": "WATCH ON YOUTUBE"}], "attributes": []}], "selectedRange": [26, 39]}
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